Olivier Rota, Dr., HDR


ORota CV



Research interests

My research interests are mostly focused on Roman Catholics and Jews in minority situation (RCs and Jews in England, Jews in France, RCs in Mandate Palestine/Israel), and the relationship between Jews and Christians from the XIXth century to the present day. My main focus is on interfaith dialogue (from RC and Jewish points of view), RC missionary movements and otherness, Jewish relations to Christianity and laicity, and RC apostleship.

Keywords: Religious History, XIXth-XXth centuries, Roman Catholics, Jews, England, France, Israel/Palestine, minority situation, mission, apostleship, interfaith dialogue, antisemitism, philosemitism, otherness, identity, eschatology, laicity.



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2019: Habilitation to supervise research in History (HDR), University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne (FR)

Topic of the dossier: Roman Catholics and Jews in minority situation in England, France, Palestine/Israel, from 1850 to the present day. Mission, apostleship and interfaith dialogue [French]

Title of the dissertation: The English Roman Catholics and the "Jewish Question", 1917-1967 (915 pages) [French]

Committee members: Prof. Rémy Bethmont, University of Paris 8 Saint-Denis ; Prof. Charles Coutel, University of Artois ; Prof. Danielle Delmaire, University of Lille ; Prof. Frédéric Gugelot, University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne (garant) ; Prof. Carmen M. Mangion, University of London ; Prof. Christian Sorrel, University of Lyon 2.

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2007: Ph.D in Religious Sciences, University of Lille III Charles-de-Gaulle (FR)

Title of the thesis: Paulinian Philosemitism and Roman Catholic Modernity from the First to the Second Council of Vatican (1869-1965). [French]

Committee members: Prof. Danielle Delmaire, University of Lille III (thesis supervisor) ; Prof. Yves Chevalier, University of Tours ; Prof. Carol Iancu, University of Montpellier III ; Prof. Yves-Marie Hilaire, University of Lille III.

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2001: MA in Religious Sciences, Religious History and Analysis of inter-cultural phenomena, University of Lille III Charles-de-Gaulle (FR)

2000: Master’s Degree in History, University of Artois, and Erasmus, University of Kent at Canterbury (UK)

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2000: University Degree in “Language and civilization of Israel” (Hebrew), University of Montpellier III Paul Valéry (FR)

1998: B.A. in History, University of Artois (FR)

1995: Sciences Baccalaureate 



Scientific coordinator for the Institut d’Étude des Faits Religieux [since 2010]

The IEFR is a federation of 138 researchers, 18 labs and 5 universities, working in the field of religious studies [ https://iefr.hypotheses.org/]

University members: University of Lille, University of Artois, Catholic University of Lille, University of Valenciennes, University of Amiens

In charge of the scientific communication in Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Artois, France [since 2010]

Director of Studies of the MA in Religious Sciences and Society, University of Artois, France [since 2011]

Co-director of the "Study of Religious Facts" series at Artois Presses Université [since 2011]



 See: http://crehs.univ-artois.fr/equipe/les-membres-associes/olivier-rota